Captain Derek Newcombe
Senior Captain Barrie Humphries
2023 – 2024
The Mens Section welcomes all A + B Team and Straggler golfers to The Cotswold Edge Golf Club whether they are current club members or “just browsing” as visitors to our club’s web site.
It is our goal here to provide Mens golfers with any information relevant to their involvement, participation and above all, enjoyment in the great game of golf. Golfing information regarding everything Mens, from lessons, club membership and etiquette, to competitions, fixtures and social events will be available for review under this section of the club web site. Including competitive events around the Gloucestershire county.
New female members, or those hoping to join are encouraged to get a handicap if they are novices to the game of golf. We run a Tuesday Improvers Group (Roll up from 9:30am) to help new ladies familiarise themselves with golf etiquette, work on their individual games and to have group lessons with our in-house Professional. Our more experienced Lady golfers volunteer to help run this 9- hole weekly group from 5.30pm on Tuesdays, during April until September.
Friendly matches
During the Spring and Summer months there is an opportunity to play friendly matches in pairs against other clubs within the County, both Home and Away. We have an organiser dedicated to arranging the matches, and the format is usually Greensomes, and fun to enter. These matches are designed to give higher handicap ladies an opportunity of playing competitive golf using their handicaps, and to enjoy a social tea afterwards. All matches are posted on the notice board in the Ladies’ changing room approximately a month in advance, starting in April.
Alliance Team
We also have 2 keen Alliance teams who is chosen by the Alliance Captain from the club’s lower handicap players. These ladies play individual match-play off scratch, between other clubs within the same Division. Both Home and Away matches are played during the season. The team consists of 9 players plus reserves. Matches are followed by a match tea, to which players are expected to attend if possible.
Junior Girls
We have a growing Junior section, led by the enthusiastic junior organiser, who encourages both Boys and Girls alike, and is reflected in the excellent results they achieve. We have even had girls playing for the club in the Alliance team in the past.
Mixed Competitions
Our Ladies section organiser runs the mixed Trophy and mixed friendly Competitions held within the club from April until December. This is a good opportunity for Ladies of all playing abilities below 35 handicap to play mixed golf competitively, and meet other club members socially. Many of the competitions have an option for players to have a meal afterwards. The last mixed competition of the year, is the Annual Mince Pie followed by warm punch, nibbles and prizes, and of course much social ‘banter’.
Qualifying competitions
Weekly Ladies’ competitions, including Medals and some County Competitions are held during the year for a nominal fee. There is also an opportunity to enter County Competitions at other clubs, both individually and in teams. Most qualifying competitions for handicap purposes run from the Spring into the Winter, until the course conditions require the implementation of temporary Greens. All information is posted on the notice board, under the relevant sections. Three qualifying competitions must be played each year to retain an active handicap.
Social events
Finally, although we are essentially a Golf Club, we also have a varied Social Calendar as well within the Ladies section. These include a pre-Season Dinner with a guest speaker, a Golf Day Away and a Weekend Away, where ladies of all abilities are made welcome, and great fun is had by all.

The Juniors’ Section welcomes all junior golfers (and their parents) to The Cotswold Edge Golf Club whether they are current club members or “just browsing” as visitors to our club’s web site.
It is our goal here to provide junior golfers with any information relevant to their involvement, participation and above all, enjoyment in the great game of golf. Golfing information regarding everything junior, from beginner’s lessons, club membership and etiquette, to competitions, fixtures and social events will be available for review under this section of the club web site. Including competitive events around the Gloucestershire county. In so doing, it is hoped to promote and encourage a youngster’s interest in this wonderful, competitive game which they will be able to play at any desirable level, well into adulthood.

The Juniors’ Organiser
Darren Chapman is the Juniors’ Organiser and main point of contact for matters relating to the Juniors’ Section at the club. Darren would like all juniors (and parents) to know that he is available to answer any questions they may have relating to our very strong junior section. In the event he is unable to give an immediate answer, he will do his best to find one and get back to you with an authoritative response.
Parents will be reassured to know, that The Cotswold Edge Golf Club recognises the value of encouraging and inspiring youngsters into the game of golf and is committed to provide for them a safe, secure and caring environment where their child’s welfare is paramount. To this effect, the club operates a Child Protection & Care Policy covering the welfare of our junior golfers. Parents may contact the secretary’s office with any questions relating to child welfare at the club.

Club Welfare Officer
Our Club Welfare Officer is Tracey Newman and if you are worried about anything or need someone to talk to please contact Tracey on 01453 844 167 or email her on [email protected]. Please be assured that anything you say to Tracey will be dealt with in the strictest confidence.
The Seniors Section welcomes all senior golfers to The Cotswold Edge Golf Club whether they are current club members or “just browsing” as visitors to our club’s web site.
It is our goal here to provide seniors golfers with any information relevant to their involvement, participation and above all, enjoyment in the great game of golf. Golfing information regarding everything seniors, from beginner’s lessons, club membership and etiquette, to competitions, fixtures and social events will be available for review under this section of the club web site. Including competitive events around the Gloucestershire county.
B Team and Stragglers
The B Team and Stragglers Section welcomes all B Team and Straggler golfers to The Cotswold Edge Golf Club whether they are current club members or “just browsing” as visitors to our club’s web site.
It is our goal here to provide B Team and Stragglers golfers with any information relevant to their involvement, participation and above all, enjoyment in the great game of golf. Golfing information regarding everything B Team and Stragglers, from lessons, club membership and etiquette, to competitions, fixtures and social events will be available for review under this section of the club website. Including competitive events around the Gloucestershire county.
Congu Unified Handicapping System
Supplementary Scores
The UHS is based on the expectation that every player will return a sufficient number of scores to provide reasonable evidence of his current ability. To operate in the intended manner, the UHS requires information i.e. the return of Qualifying Scores to produce handicaps that reasonably reflect current ability.
Although golf club Committees and administrators may consider that in the course of a playing season they organise an adequate number of competitions to provide ample opportunity for Members to participate, investigation has confirmed that a substantial number of Members do not return sufficient scores in the period between Annual Reviews to maintain a handicap that reasonably reflects their current ability. This may in part be due to:
- Work or family commitments preventing participation in competitions.
- Difficulty in obtaining an acceptable starting time on competition days in clubs with a large playing membership.
- A declining desire to play regular competitive golf.
Supplementary Scores have been introduced to provide players in the above situations and the like an alternative format in which to submit scores for handicap purposes and augment the often sparse information derived from competition play. The intent is to encourage the provision of more evidence of playing ability over a wider range of players and so make handicapping more equitable and golf under handicap conditions more meaningful for all concerned.
A Member may return a Supplementary Score for handicapping purposes in compliance with the following conditions:
21.1 Shall apply to all Handicap Categories.
21.2 A Supplementary Score may only be returned at the Home Club of the player.
21.3 An acceptable score for Supplementary Score purposes is any authenticated score over 18 holes under Competition Play Conditions over a Measured Course in compliance with the conditions listed in this Clause. The format may be Stroke Play or Stableford.
21.4 Up to a maximum of ten Supplementary Scores may be returned in the period between Annually, from 1st January.
21.5 Unless the Affiliated Club decides otherwise, a Member is limited to the return of one Supplementary Score per week.
21.6 A player intending to return a Supplementary Score will be required to signify his intention prior to commencement of play in the manner determined by the Affiliated Club. (See bottom paragraph).
21.7 A Competition Scratch Score is not calculated and adjustments to handicap, in accordance with Clause 20.6, shall be made in respect of the Standard Scratch Score.
21.8 Stroke Play returns shall be subject to Stableford/Nett Double Bogey Adjustment in compliance with Clause 19.
21.9 The Supplementary Score must be recorded in the Player Handicap Record.
21.10 If a player who has registered for a Supplementary Score subsequently does not return a card an increase in handicap of 0.1 shall be applied.
21.11 Returns may be subject to action under Clause 23 (B) if ‘manipulation’ is suspected.
Note: In submitting Supplementary Scores. Players need to ensure that they are not in breach of Rule 7 of the R&A Rules of Golf (Practice). Awho have recently been allocated a CONGU Handicap qualify immediatel Club Committee may apply the Note to Rule 7-1 and allow a Supplementary Score to be returned following the playing of a stroke play round earlier in the day.
To play a supplementary round at Cotswold Dege Golf Club, Members must inform the Proshop and input the result via the touchscreen computer. All the other provisions as above apply.
Amateur Status of Club team members
There has been a recent problem with Club teams and the showing of team sponsors logo’s on clothing.
To clear this up & before engaging in the fitting of sponsors logo’s for 2007, team captains must make themselves aware of the rules regarding their team members, especially juniors.
The leaflet regarding the rules of amateur status can be downloaded for free from the R&A website, the club has a copy in the office, it will leave you in no doubt about what you can or cannot do with a sponsor’s logo.
To remind you, it is a player’s responsibility himself to know the rules of golf including the rules on amateur status. I am mindful of the fact that not all players particularly juniors, take much notice of this fact. Captains of teams who allow logos on clothing & equipment have a responsibility to make sure they do not put their players at risk of losing their amateur status. There are only 2 penalties that can be applied, one is a warning to the player not to do it again or they will lose their amateur status. The other is automatic loss of amateur status for a period of time resulting in the player only being allowed to play in a professional tournament & removal of their CONGU handicap. These penalties will be applied by the R&A.
It say’s that the manufacturer & one sponsors name may appear on each garment. It must not exceed a perimeter measurement of 220mm. Two sponsors on a single garment will breach the rules. The R&A confirm that a breach reported to them will be investigated.
Some teams have had the name of a sponsor put on the back of clothing from shoulder to shoulder. This is a breach of the rules, please do not do it.
If you have multiple sponsors you can have a different sponsor for each piece of clothing (i.e. different sponsors names on shirts/pullovers/waterproofs/shoes/trousers) but not on the same article of clothing. I know that sounds strange but it is a way out at the moment & keeps your players the right side of the rules & gives you the opportunity to have more than one sponsor on your kit.
For your info Decisions 6-2/13 & 6-2/15 will be revised a little in 2008 in the new ‘decisions on the rules of amateur status’ book. I will keep you informed of those slight changes.